Saturday, September 10, 2005

For a change ....

Something unusual happened today. I could have saved someone from something and I did not. Even though I know that person didn't desrve it BUT I am supposed to be considerate. The true test of character is when you have power and you choose not to exercise it. This is what I have been taught.

For the first time in my life, I was cruel. I was one of them and it doesn't feel good.

There is still a long way to go, a lot more to learn :)

In other news, my boss wants me to come back full time. He thinks I am the most valuable technical asset his company has. He also thinks I inspire people I work with which is probably the best compliment one could ever get. Though I know that every boss says something similar when they need you and my boss must have said exactly the same to, i dunno, 10-15 people? :D. Liars. But I would like to believe he is telling the truth, for a change. Let me enjoy this for a brief moment :)

Afsoos that I will have to turn down such a tempting offer. I know am a fool. But I can't help it, I am in love with my fake darwaishi, freedom and the feeling of NOT being Nokar of anyone :)


Blogger ordered-chaos said...

I see you take care not to mention this century too ;) ...Wise ..Very wise.If wishes were horses all the beggars would ride wale baat ho gaye waise ye time machine wale...

Doesnt darweshe imply absolute freedom ? Some ppl carry it so far as to take it complete absolution from guilt @ not helping someone who deserved it ...I dont know just a comment.One of my frds went by this nick uss ka khayal tha ye .

PSS: Heyyyyyyyyyy ye kaunse nokre hai which enables ones to free???????????????????
Do they take docs???????

September 11, 2005  
Blogger psnob said...

haha, for a change, wow he writes about himself! :) good for you should be an entrepreneur.

September 11, 2005  

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