What could cause such rays of dark? Dark sky rays were caught in spectacular fashion earlier this month above Utah, USA. The cause is something surprisingly familiar: shadows. Clouds near the horizon can block sunlight from reflecting off air, making columns outward from the Sun appear unusually dark. Cloud shadows can be thought of as the complement of the more commonly highlighted crepuscular rays, also visible above, where sunlight pours though cloud holes. Sometimes, on the opposite side of the sky, anticrepuscular rays can also be seen.

Source: NASA Web Site
why surprised at the dua?I am a firm advocate of them and also I believe that if you pray for someone someone will pray for you so mera he faida ;)
amazing pic.One of the few times I wish I could paint......or had a really good camera and of course was in such a place.
WRT clever *bow* Thank you kind sir :)
I have np with the extremes and you are so right when you mention them.They both exist.what I find distasteful is the hypocracy.I mean I see them shed off their 'desi mask' and their accents undergo this drastic change as if they have tongue spasm and out comes this interminable flow of amreekanised lingo ( I think the americans would take offence @ their version of it :P)
Going to the hijabs and the burkas once again not generalising and not pointing fingers but a lot of them use the abaya as nothing but a parda for their sleazy activities.Once again this is just the general picture one gets.This is what I have heard as many ppl`s 1st impressions.I don`t hold with judging anyone and specially not with categorising ppl as flocks with no individuality but this is just a general impression.The sad thing is that a lot of these ppl undergo this weird metamorphoses when its time to go home again and half the activities of the 'desi yuppies' re pretty clandestine.They dont meet parental approval and are done on the sly giving me the impression that they come from pretty eastern backgrounds but for reasons best known to themselves choose to undergo personality disorders as soon as they enter LUMs
*PHEW*.....My psych professor should be impressed considering I bunked all the wards during final yr ;)
PSS: DO I sound sufficiently judgemental :P
I do kia?????(need to wonder more ya sound judgemental enough)
Definitely wela enough.took a look , liked it specially the do you guys take such fab pics?what with is more like it ?
Will apply InshaAllah in a day or two max soon as the stupid cable net lets me!!!!!
regarding the picture and your post.. wow!
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