The Dome of Rock - Jerusalem

Perhaps the most holy city in the world. Equally important for Muslims, Christians and Jewish people. While highly charged with intense religious devotion and visited by countless pilgrims and sages, Jerusalem has also been ravaged by thirty centuries of warfare and strife.

It is a place of beauty and divinity, mystery and paradox; a sacred site which no modern spiritual seeker should fail to experience.
If given a choice Jerusalem will be the first city I really wish to see atleast once in my life time. Which 5 cities you have in your hit list? :)
its sucha gorgeous and important place for so many. it so is.
i can prolly go there next summer after i get my canadian passport, as you know our pakistani passports arent valid in Israel.
as for me list would be:
1) Mecca
2)Vaticann(love that place) *sigh*
3) Bethlehem
4)Muzaffarabad heh
i wish i worked in an airline at times.
and oh i jus realised darwaish means traveller, doesnt it?
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