Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Aurora - Secret Hypersonic Spyplane

Does the United States Air Force or one of America's intelligence agencies have a secret hypersonic aircraft capable of a Mach 6 performance?

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Very very interesting read. Full article here.


Blogger ordered-chaos said...

are we cautious ( hua bhi to hum kia kar lainge :D) Or just plain paranoid ?

November 25, 2005  
Blogger ordered-chaos said...

I am the 1st to advocate the absence of permanance and the relativity of everyhting even happiness but the point I was trying to make was simply that its ONES SELF who determines whats important to us.I may have everything the world deems important but as long as I dont value it personally to me its useless.
And of course you wouldnt agree...You never do with my black bleak posts :)
It would help derwaish if you PRAYED HARDER YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS:Let me get what I want IA and I promise I will never post such posts again ;)

November 26, 2005  

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