Sunday, June 05, 2005


Religion is really just a way to pacify ourselves and reduce our fear of the unknown. Because we really don't know and religion acts as a kind of security blanket for humanity. Many people think their religion is better but if you look at most of them, all of them are just as valid. The real truth is beyond our understanding, we just can't fathom the reality of existance and everything else and religion seems to like to tell it to us in a nice simple way how everything is. It treats us like children and tells us what we need to know. I'm sure many people would claim that their religion is true because of some time when they "felt God" or somthing of that nature and they just know that the way they are following is true. But people in every religion have that, and think that their religion is true.
Religion allows us an easier path in life for those who are willing to blindly follow. It gives us meaning and hope and it makes the world a better place but it isn't the absolute truth, there is no religion which has the absolute truth. Religion keeps the masses sedated and works well to organize our world.


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