The ivory-billed woodpecker, long feared extinct, has been rediscovered in a remote part of Arkansas some 60 years after the last confirmed U.S. sighting, bird experts said Thursday.

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The ivory-billed woodpecker, long feared extinct, has been rediscovered in a remote part of Arkansas some 60 years after the last confirmed U.S. sighting, bird experts said Thursday.
There is something fundamentally wrong with us... humans. Something that definitely works against paradise. Something that makes people stupid and destructive and greedy and shortsighted. We do three things that are never done in the rest of the community of life, and these are all fundamental to our civilizational system.
Manchester United 0 - 1 Everton ... dang!! ... plus 2 sending off's .. i have never seen anything like this happening in years. It seems like they are not the team I grew up watching anymore.
"There is no dervish in the world; and if there be a dervish, that dervish is really non-existent. In essence he exists, but his attributes are non-existent within God's." Rumi - Mathnawi [III, 3669-3670]
Woke up this morning my house was cold
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.
You must have been watching programs on ARY/GEO and all other channels where people like Dr Mubarik Ali, Dr Israr, Dr Mehdi Hasan etc(the so called parhe likhe log i.e scholars) trying to paint this country in their own colors and school of thoughts. Some of them insist that Pakistan was supposed to be an Isalmic state and others say something opposite and blah blah. Some of them even deny the whole idea of pakistan and insist it would ve been better off staying as a part of India.
If you have a Time Machine where in time would you like to be (past or future)?
Mankind surely does not represent an evolution toward a better or stronger or higher level, as progress is now understood. This "progress" is merely a modern idea, which is to say, a false idea. The European of today, in his essential worth, falls far below the European of the Renaissance; the process of evolution does not necessarily mean elevation, enhancement, strengthening.
Linux looks to Paris Hilton for exposure... hahaha ;)
after so many threats and warnings i finally cleaned up my room today... again... found this begum akhtar cd in my old 8x cd writer ..those were the Napster days n the result was 35 mp3's ...